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Manifesting Midlife Magic

What’s next for you? What do you want to manifest most in your life? 
Join us for a transformative in-person event where we blend the art of vision boarding with the introspective journey of crafting your future self. Inspired by the wisdom of Jane Fonda's philosophy on rehearsing for the future, this event will guide you through envisioning and manifesting the woman you aspire to become. 
Why wait until the New Year to create a vision board when we can use the summer fire energy to guide us towards living a life that resonates with our deepest truths. 
And let's face it. Cutting and pasting with mod podge and music is SO satisfying! Especially when we can all come together and share some laughs and connection!

Event Details

Date and Time: Saturday July 20, 2024 1pm - 4pm 
Location: Bloomified Studio, 205 Dewey Street, Royal Oak, MI 

What Will Be Provided: 

  • All vision boarding materials, including boards, paints, brushes, Mod Podge, magazines, beautiful papers, and markers.

  • Creative and inspirational atmosphere

What to Bring: 

  • Your own goals & ideas for your future

  • Any favorite art supplies, images, or phrases you’d like to incorporate

  • An open heart and mind to explore your future self and meet other like-minded women

​​Cost: $40; limit to 10 women 

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You can expect:

  • Discussion around changing your aging narrative 

  • Tips and inspiration to help manifest your midlife magic

  • Self-reflection prompts to help you visualize what's next for you

  • A sagelicious meditation to guide you.

  • Andrea will lead you in creating your own beautiful vision board

​Let's celebrate our aging journeys and be intentional about designing what's next! 

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